Once again Bowling Club have offered their facilities to use for opening day. Starting at 9 am with the usual pies,sausage rolls ,tea and coffee.
At approximately 9.45 the procession will be piped to the river where the President will make a short speech.
Our honoured guest will then bless the river and have the fist cast for 2019.
Then everyone is invited back to the club for more eats and a chance to get acquainted  with other anglers and purchase the all important raffle tickets.
There will be three councillors attending to discuss any pollution issues you may have and the rest of the committee will be on hand to hopefully answer any questions about MCAA
Carmyle Bowling Club address is 1 River Rd, Glasgow G32 8EG
There will be a limited amount of season permits available on the day,please bring a completed FORM two passport sized photographs and the appropriate fee.


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