And we are off

And we are off, Clyde open for fishing. MidClyde .. Tam Riley got off to a good start on his return to the river with this fine fish below caught on the fly. Salmon, around 10lb. Alan Jack also reported a fine Sea Trout of around 4.5lb but unfortunately the picture that Alan gor was not the best so did not send this in but he did send this pic to me of a SLAB of a MidClyde Brown Trout which came in around 5lb & was caught on one of Alan's own Tay Raider flies. Alan's Brown Trout UCAPA .. As of yet no reported Salmon coming off the UCAPA stretch of the river but with plenty of anglers out on the 1st day back a few reports of leaping fish came in I am sure it wont be long before the reports of landed fish come in where-as the Brown Trout fishing is another matter. The river was bathed in very warm sunshine and clear blue skies all day long so the angler's that did venture out for the Troot reported that they did not see m...